12 Mantras of Surya Namaskar: Infusing the Sun Salutation with Sacred Chants

Welcome to the world of Surya Namaskar, a dynamic and invigorating yoga practice that pays homage to the radiant power of the sun. In the journey of Surya Namaskar, there exists a hidden treasure – the 12 Mantras. These sacred chants accompany each pose, amplifying the transformative energy of this ancient sequence. In this guide, we will explore the significance and essence of the 12 Mantras of Surya Namaskar, unraveling the profound connection between sound, movement, and spiritual awakening. Whether you are a devoted yogi or a curious seeker, join us on this illuminating journey as we delve into the 12 Mantras of Surya Namaskar, inviting the sun’s radiance to guide our practice.

Surya Namaskar, with its 12 poses and corresponding mantras, can be practised in various styles of yoga, including hot yoga. Hot yoga, characterized by practising yoga in a heated room, enhances the benefits of the practice. One popular form of hot yoga is 26 and 2 yoga, also known as Bikram Yoga, developed by Bikram Choudhury. The sequence consists of 26 poses and 2 breathing exercises, performed in a room heated to approximately 105°F (40.6°C) with 40% humidity. The combination of the Surya Namaskar poses, the heat and the spiritual infusion of the mantras creates a transformative experience.

12 Mantras of Surya Namaskar

12 Mantras of Surya Namaskar

The 12 Mantras of Surya Namaskar serve as powerful affirmations, elevating our practice beyond the physical realm. Let’s explore each mantra in detail and uncover their essence:

1. Om Mitraya Namaha (Salutations to the Friend of All)

This mantra acknowledges the interconnectedness of all beings, cultivating a sense of friendship and inclusivity within ourselves and towards others.

2. Om Ravaye Namaha (Salutations to the Radiant One)

By chanting this mantra, we honor the sun’s radiant energy and invite its illuminating qualities into our practice and lives.

3. Om Suryaya Namaha (Salutations to the Giver of Life)

This mantra acknowledges the sun as the source of life, expressing gratitude for the life-giving energy it bestows upon us.

4. Om Bhanave Namaha (Salutations to the Shining One)

By chanting this mantra, we embrace the brilliance and luminosity of the sun, awakening our own inner light and vitality.

5. Om Khagaya Namaha (Salutations to the Divine Bird)

This mantra invites us to soar freely like a bird, embracing a sense of lightness, grace, and expansiveness in our practice.

6. Om Pushne Namaha (Salutations to the Nourisher)

By chanting this mantra, we acknowledge the sun’s nurturing and nourishing qualities, both physically and spiritually.


7. Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha (Salutations to the Golden Cosmic Self)

This mantra connects us with the divine essence within, honoring the golden cosmic self that resides in each of us.

8. Om Marichaye Namaha (Salutations to the Lord of Dawn)

By chanting this mantra, we invoke the transformative power of new beginnings, welcoming clarity, inspiration, and renewal into our lives.

9. Om Adityaya Namaha (Salutations to the Son of Aditi)

This mantra recognizes the eternal nature of the sun and invokes strength, resilience, and inner power within ourselves.

10. Om Savitre Namaha (Salutations to the Nurturer)

By chanting this mantra, we acknowledge the sun as the ultimate nurturer, cultivating compassion, empathy, and care within ourselves.

11. Om Arkaya Namaha (Salutations to the Divine Light)

This mantra invites us to embrace the illuminating power of the sun, guiding us towards clarity, wisdom, and spiritual illumination.

12. Om Bhaskaraya Namaha (Salutations to the Illuminator)

By chanting this final mantra, we honor the sun as the ultimate illuminator of consciousness, awakening our inner radiance and spiritual connection.

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As we flow through the poses of Surya Namaskar, let us chant these mantras with devotion, aligning our movements, breath, and intentions with their sacred vibrations. The combination of movement and sound deepens our connection to the practice, transcending the physical and inviting a profound sense of presence and transformation.

If you are inspired to deepen your understanding of Surya Namaskar and share the transformative power of hot yoga with others, consider embarking on a hot yoga teacher training program with YogaFX. YogaFX, led by Mr. Ian, offers Yoga Alliance certified hot yoga teacher training courses, including specialized programs focused on 26 and 2 yoga, which encompasses the Surya Namaskar sequence. Through this training, you will gain the knowledge, skills, and certification needed to guide others on their hot yoga journey, incorporating the 12 Mantras of Surya Namaskar to create a truly transformative experience.

the 12 Mantras of Surya Namaskar infuse this ancient practice with spiritual depth and intention. By integrating these mantras into our Surya Namaskar practice, we harness the sun’s radiant energy and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and connection. Allow the power of sound and movement to guide your practice as you explore the profound union of body, mind, and spirit.

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Ivara Kartika Content Manager
Certified Bikram Hot 26&2 Yoga Teacher
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