Discovering a comprehensive Bikram Yoga Poses PDF can be a game-changer for yoga teachers and students eager to deepen their practice on original hot yoga poses.
The challenge? Sifting through scattered resources to find a reliable, accurate guide that covers the original Hot 26 and 2 yoga sequences, complete with benefits.
This frustration is real, especially when looking for a trusted reference during self-practice or teaching. Our solution? A detailed Bikram Yoga Poses PDF designed specifically for you.
This guide not only meticulously outlines each posture but also dives into the benefits, offering a solid foundation to enhance your practice or teaching methods. Ensuring you’re always on cue and maximizing the transformative power of Bikram Yoga.
Let’s explore together and unlock the full potential of your yoga journey.

Overview of Original Hot Yoga
Bikram Yoga’s history is deeply intertwined with its founder, Bikram Choudhury, who popularized this form of yoga through his charismatic teaching and the unique hot environment it requires.
Despite Choudhury’s significant contribution to yoga, his career has been marred by controversy. Then led to a distinction between “Bikram Yoga” and “hot yoga” to distance the practice from his issues.
Although Choudhury still conducts teacher training programs, these are not affiliated with Yoga Alliance. Whereas Yoga Alliance is a key certification for teaching yoga internationally.
For those seeking globally recognized credentials, including Yoga Alliance and American Council on Exercise certification, YogaFX stands out as the premier institution offering training in the original hot yoga sequence. Also, ensuring adherence to tradition while meeting contemporary certification standards.
Introduction to the Hot 26 and 2 Bikram Yoga Poses
The Bikram Yoga poses is a meticulously designed system of 26 asanas (postures) and 2 pranayama (breathing exercises). Also aimed at enhancing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
This sequence targets strength, flexibility, and balance, promoting cardiovascular health, weight loss, and stress reduction. It’s adaptable to various session lengths—45, 60, and 90 minutes—allowing practitioners to fit their yoga practice into different schedules.
The practice takes place in a specially prepared room, heated to approximately 105°F (40°C) with around 40% humidity. This heat facilitates deeper stretching, detoxification through sweating, and helps prevent injury.
It’s a replication of the hot, humid conditions of India, where yoga originated, aiming to purify the body and mind.
For these sessions, the choice of yoga mat and attire is crucial. Mats must be durable and slip-resistant, designed to withstand the intense conditions of hot yoga.
Clothing, similarly, should be lightweight and moisture-wicking to keep practitioners comfortable and focused.
Together, these elements create a conducive environment for the transformative experience that Bikram Yoga promises, offering a path to improved health and heightened mental clarity through regular practice.

The 26 Asana Series and 2 Breathing Exercise of Bikram Yoga Poses
The 26 postures in Bikram Yoga are divided into two series: the standing series and the floor series.
This division allows for a comprehensive workout that touches on every aspect of physical and mental fitness. Also suitable for sessions of varying lengths.
Avoid forcing the poses beyond your comfortable range of motion, and if you have any existing issues, consult with a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional before attempting this posture.
Standing Series
The standing series focuses on building strength, flexibility, and balance. Also enhancing cardiovascular health, and preparing the body for the floor series.
Half-Moon Pose
Half-Moon Pose with Hands to Feet Pose (Ardha-Chandrasana with Pada-Hastasana) embodies a graceful fusion of stability and expansion, akin to a celestial dance. Stretch towards the heavens and feel the universal energy flowing through you, cultivating inner calm and resilience.
Awkward Pose
Awkward Pose (Utkatasana) ignites inner fire and fortitude, challenging you to rise above obstacles with the courage of a warrior. Inhale determination, exhale doubt, and let Utkatasana empower you physically and mentally.
Eagle Pose
Eagle Pose (Garurasana) epitomizes focus, balance, and unity, inviting you to embody the poise of an eagle in flight. Strengthen your body, sharpen your mind, and embrace the graceful stillness of this empowering posture.
Standing Head to Knee Pose
Standing Head to Knee Pose (Dandayamana Janushirasana) embodies focus, flexibility, and determination, akin to an archer aiming with precision. Find balance and grace as you reach for new heights, both physically and mentally.
Standing Bow Pulling Pose
Standing Bow Pulling Pose (Dandayamana Dhanurasana) symbolizes grace, strength, and expansion. Also urging you to reach for new horizons with unwavering resolve. Embrace the challenge, build resilience, and soar to greater heights of well-being.
Balancing Stick Pose
Balancing Stick Pose (Tuladandasana) embodies focus, balance, and determination, inviting you to navigate life’s tightropes with steadfast resolve. Strengthen your body, steady your mind, and find equilibrium in body and soul.
Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose
Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose (Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimottanasana) symbolizes flexibility, focus, and renewa. Also, guiding you to release tensions and find balance like a cascading waterfall. Embrace the liberation and vitality that comes with opening your hips and hamstrings.
Triangle Pose
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) represents stability, expansion, and connection, encouraging you to reach for the sky while remaining grounded. Open your heart, quiet your mind, and find harmony in body and spirit.
Standing Separate Head to Knee Pose
Standing Separate Head to Knee Pose (Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana) embodies flexibility, focus, and rejuvenation, urging you to reach for the sky while staying rooted like a resilient tree. Discover renewal and growth as you balance strength with flexibility.
Tree Pose
Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) embodies balance, stability, and connection to nature, inviting you to stand tall and reach for the heavens while remaining firmly rooted to the earth. Find inner peace, strength, and grace in this empowering posture.
Toe Stand Pose
Toe Stand Pose (Padangustasana) symbolizes strength, balance, and focus, encouraging you to find stability and grace on the balls of your feet. Strengthen your legs, sharpen your concentration, and discover inner poise in this challenging posture.
Floor Series
The floor series targets deeper stretching, muscle toning, and detoxification, with a strong focus on spinal health and core strength.
Dead Body Pose
Dead Body Pose (Savasana) represents relaxation, tranquillity, and surrender, inviting you to release tension and worries as you sink into deep peace. Also, enhance your well-being, reduce stress, and find inner stillness in this rejuvenating posture.
Wind Removing Pose
Wind Removing Pose (Pavanamuktasana) promotes digestive health and tension release. Alsoi inviting you to hug your knee close to your chest and ease discomfort. Find comfort and relaxation as you stimulate abdominal organs and release tension.
Sit Up Pose
Sit Up Pose embodies forward bending, flexibility, and awakening, encouraging you to stretch your hamstrings and lower back to stimulate digestion and boost vitality. Embrace this invigorating posture for renewed energy and well-being.
Cobra Pose
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) symbolizes strength, openness, and renewal, inviting you to arch your back and lift your chest for a rejuvenating stretch. Improve posture, spine flexibility, and find rejuvenation in this powerful posture.
Locust Pose
Locust Pose (Salabhasana) embodies strength, balance, and transformation, urging you to lift your head, chest, arms, and legs like a soaring locust. Strengthen your back, improve posture, and unleash your inner strength in this empowering posture.
Full Locust Pose
Full Locust Pose (Poorna Salabhasana) symbolizes strength, balance, and extension, encouraging you to lift your head, chest, arms, and legs higher for a complete stretch. Strengthen your back, improve posture, and experience liberation and expansion in this challenging posture.
Bow Pose
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) embodies grace, strength, and heart-opening, inviting you to lift your legs and chest like a majestic bow. Stretch your front body, strengthen your back, and open your heart for emotional release and compassion.
Fixed Firm Pose
Fixed Firm Pose (Supta Vajrasana) symbolizes strength, flexibility, and surrender, encouraging you to sit on your heels, lean back, and stretch your thighs, knees, and lower back. Find grounding and release in this challenging posture.
Half Tortoise Pose
Half Tortoise Pose (Ardha Kurmasana) embodies grounding, surrender, and introspection, urging you to fold forward and find tranquility. Release tension, calm your mind, and discover inner peace in this meditative posture.
Camel Pose
Camel Pose (Ustrasana) symbolizes grace, strength, and heart-opening, encouraging you to arch your back, reach for your heels, and expand your heart space. Stretch your chest and abdomen, cultivate emotional release, and expand your capacity for compassion.
Rabbit Pose
Rabbit Pose (Sasankasana) represents surrender and self-reflection, urging you to fold forward and find tranquility. Release tension, calm your mind, and discover inner peace in this meditative posture.
Head to Knee Stretching Pose
Head to Knee Stretching Pose (Janushirasana-Paschimottanasana) symbolizes flexibility and grounding, encouraging you to extend one leg and fold forward to release tension in the back and hips. Find calm and self-discovery in this meditative posture.
Spine Twisting Pose
Spine Twisting Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana) represents strength, spinal mobility, and purification, urging you to sit with one leg bent and twist towards the right. Improve flexibility, cleanse the body, and invigorate your energy in this revitalizing posture.
Breathing Exercise
The Breathing Exercise of Bikram, also known as Pranayama, is an integral part of the Bikram Yoga practice. It involves specific breathing techniques designed to enhance oxygen flow throughout the body, calm the mind, and energize the practitioner. The breathing exercises in Bikram Yoga typically consist of deep, controlled inhalations and exhalations, often coordinated with specific movements or postures.
Standing Deep Breathing Pose
Standing Deep Breathing Pose (Pranayama) embodies transformation and vitality, inviting you to inhale deeply, fill your lungs with oxygen, and exhale, releasing stress. Cultivate inner peace and resilience through this powerful breathing exercise.
Blowing In Firm Pose
Blowing In Firm Pose (Kapalbhati Pranayama) symbolizes purification, vitality, and mental clarity, encouraging you to sit comfortably, exhale forcefully, and inhale passively. Cleanse the respiratory system, invigorate the mind, and revitalize your energy with this energizing breathing exercise.
Introducing the Bikram Yoga Poses PDF
Many hot yoga teachers struggle to master the 26 asana series and 2 pranayama techniques, hindering their ability to deliver effective classes and provide a transformative experience for their students.
Without comprehensive resources and proper guidance, teaching hot yoga can be daunting. Teachers may feel overwhelmed trying to remember the sequence of postures and effectively guide their students through each step of the practice.
Fortunately, there’s a solution at hand! Gain access to our exclusive Bikram Yoga Poses PDF guide that breaks down each posture and pranayama technique step-by-step. With clear instructions and detailed illustrations, you’ll have the tools you need to confidently lead your students through a seamless hot yoga session.
Not only that, but you’ll also receive a bonus sample dialogue to enhance your teaching skills and connect more deeply with your students. Elevate your hot yoga practice and become the confident, knowledgeable instructor you’ve always wanted to be.
Ready to take your hot yoga teaching to the next level? Fill out the form below to access your comprehensive PDF guide and start transforming your classes today!
Get Certified To Teach Original Hot Yoga Poses
Many aspiring hot yoga teachers face the challenge of obtaining a recognized certification that allows them to teach globally. Traditional teacher training programs may not provide the accreditation needed to teach in various yoga studios worldwide.
Without the proper certification, teachers may find themselves limited in their career opportunities, unable to share their passion for hot yoga with students beyond their local community.
This can be frustrating for those who aspire to make a meaningful impact in the yoga world and share the benefits of this transformative practice with a broader audience.
Fortunately, there’s an alternative that offers the best of both worlds!
Our hot yoga teacher training program provides participants with a Yoga Alliance-recognized certification, allowing them to teach hot yoga in studios across the globe.
Unlike other programs, our certification is widely respected and accepted, opening doors to exciting teaching opportunities worldwide.
With our training, you’ll receive the credentials you need to pursue your dream of teaching hot yoga on a global scale, empowering you to make a positive impact on the lives of students everywhere.
Plus, you’ll gain access to our exclusive community of passionate hot yoga teachers who are dedicated to supporting each other’s growth and success.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your teaching career and become a certified bikram hot yoga instructor recognized by Yoga Alliance.
Fill out the form below to receive more information about our upcoming training events, including special pricing offers available only to those who sign up early. Take the next step towards realizing your dreams and sharing the gift of bikram yoga poses with the world!